Rovinj By Train
No Direct Train Connection to Rovinj
Please be aware that there is no direct train connection available for travellers to Rovinj. The nearest railway stations are located in Pula, a mere 30 kilometres from Rovinj (a 30-minute car ride), and Kanfanar, which is approximately 15-20 minutes away from Rovinj by car. Continue reading to find out how you can reach Rovinj from Italy, Spain, Slovenia and other parts of Croatia.
Nearest Railway Stations to Rovinj
Kanfanar Railway Station is the closest station, situated just 18 kilometres away from Rovinj. You can find it at Juraja Dobrile 10, and if you need to contact them, the phone number is +385(0)52825011.
Another option is the Pula Railway Station, located 32 kilometres away, at Kolodvorska 5. You can reach them at +385(0)52541982.
Travel to Rijeka and Pula by train from anywhere across Europe.
There are daily departures for Belgrade, Budapest, Frankfurt, Ljubljana, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna and Zürich. There are also direct trains to Croatia's coastline, with regular services to Rijeka and Split taking four and six hours respectively. Check train timetables and ticket prices.
Travelling from Zagreb to Rovinj
With Zagreb airport serving as Croatia's primary air travel hub, many visitors opt to arrive in Zagreb before continuing their journey to Rovinj. The distance separating Zagreb and Rovinj amounts to approximately 250 kilometers, translating to roughly a 3-hour car ride when following the most direct route, the Croatian Motorways.
Given Rovinj's increasing popularity among tourists, various transportation alternatives are available to facilitate travel between Zagreb and Rovinj.
Travelling to Rovinj by Train from Zagreb
For train travel within Croatia, you can easily purchase domestic train tickets at local railway stations. Alternatively, you may acquire most tickets via the official Croatian Railways (HZ) website. However, sometimes international train tickets are exclusively available at railway stations. In situations where no direct train connection exists, consider utilizing one of the many frequent bus services as a viable alternative.
Trains from Trieste to Rovinj
Trains commuting from Trieste to Rovinj span a 40-mile (64-kilometre) route; however, it's crucial to note that direct train services to Rovinj are not available. To reach your destination, explore alternative transportation options like buses or ferries.
Options for Travel from Trieste to Rovinj
When heading from Trieste to Rovinj, you'll encounter two primary choices: taking a bus or utilising a ferry service. Evaluate these options based on your preferences and scheduling needs.
Cheapest Month to Travel to Rovinj by Train
To find the most cost-effective train fares from Trieste to Rovinj, consider planning your journey for the month of June.
Seasonal Trackless Train in Rovinj

During the summer months, Rovinj offers a convenient trackless train service to link remote parking areas and attractions with the central parts of the town, including the pedestrian zone. The route begins at the Terminal on P. Ive Street and covers several essential stops, including Porton Biondi, Santorija Santorija, and Obala G. Paliaga.
Operating hours extend from 10:00 am until midnight, with both the first and last stops being at the Antonio Gandusio Theatre. Ticket prices are as follows: €4 for adults, €2 for children aged 3 to 10, and free for children under 3. Rovinj residents are eligible for a 50% discount, paying only €2. Download timetables and detailed maps.